A wonderful wellness tool to add in!

Be sure to scroll down to view the complete Course Curriculum.

Flower essences are liquid extracts, made from the flowering part of a tree, bush or plant, which uniquely address emotional and mental aspects of wellness. The essence of each flower is captured by steeping it in water. 

The original 38 flower essences were formulated in the 1930's by a British doctor named Edward Bach. The need for these essences arose as he discovered that some of his patients in a diseased-state (while receiving the same care and medication) would get better and others would not. 

Looking for what was missing for this second type of patient, Dr. Bach came to the conclusion that there was an emotional component that was keeping them from fully healing. He determined that disease was the result of a conflict between a person's mind, body and soul.

Flower essences are completely non-toxic and have very little taste or smell. They work in a gentle manner to balance the emotional, behavioral and physical body.

In this class you will learn about each of the 38 Bach Flower Essences and how to use them with animals.

Want a certificate for this class? Or need Continuing Ed credit? There is an optional assignment to complete in order to earn the certificate for this course. (I recommend you confirm acceptance of this e-course with the organization requiring your CE credits.) There is a $25 fee for review of the assignment and issuing of the certificate.


Kim Bauer

Instructor, Mentor, Coach

Kim is a Nationally Certified (NBCAAM) Equine Acupressure Practitioner with additional certifications in Large and Small Animal Massage and Acupressure. Kim has been teaching nationally and internationally for many years through multiple schools, and has her private practice in Oregon.


    1. Welcome

    2. Course Layout

    3. My Introduction to Bach Flower Essences

    4. About Bach Flower Essences and Dr. Bach

    5. The Twelve Healers

    1. Seven categories

    2. The Seven Categories

    3. Fear

    4. Uncertainty or Lack of Confidence

    5. Lack of Interest in Present Circumstances

    6. Loneliness

    7. Oversensitivity to influences and ideas

    8. Despondency and despair

    9. Overconcern for the Welfare of Others

    10. Seven Categories Chart

    11. Unit 2 Quiz

    1. The 38 Individual Bach flower essences

    2. Agrimony, Aspen, Beech

    3. Centaury, Cerato, Cherry Plum, Chestnut Bud, Chicory, Clematis, Crab Apple

    4. Elm, Gentian, Gorse

    5. Heather, Holly, Honeysuckle, Hornbeam

    6. Impatiens, Larch, Mimulus, Mustard

    7. Oak, Olive, Pine

    8. Red Chestnut, Rock Rose, Rock Water

    9. Scleranthus, Star of Bethlehem, Sweet Chestnut

    10. Vervain, Vine

    11. Walnut, Water Violet, White Chestnut, Wild Oat, Wild Rose, Willow

    12. Rescue Remedy

    13. Alphabetical Bach Flower Essence Chart

    14. Animal ailments chart

    1. Making a dosage bottle

    2. How to select Essence(s)

    3. Additional method(s) to select essences

    4. How many essences to use

    5. Dosage, Frequency, Administering, Storing, Expectations

    1. In Depth Case Study - Cat

    2. In Depth Case Study - Horse

    3. In Depth Case Study - Dog

    4. Optional Assignment and Case Studies

About this course

  • $175.00
  • 39 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content